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Graduated, but now what? Some practical tips for kicking off your career

Taking your first steps in your career can be quite exciting and challenging. How do you stand out from all those other applicants, how do you present your best self and is that cover letter really that important? We would like to share some tips with you, because from our experience we know what you can come up against and how you can tackle it.

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A good resume

Your resume is (often) your first introduction to a potential employer. And you know what they say, "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. "That's why it's important to have your resume in order. Not only should it clearly present your experience and skills, but it should also look a little nice.  

  • ‍Customizationis key. Emphasize relevant experiences and skills in your resume.
  • Results-oriented. Focus on your accomplishments and results rather than just describing your responsibilities.
  • Highlight skills. Highlight specific skills essential to the role in question.
  • Design. Make sure your resume also looks neat and beautiful. The eye wants something too. It also increases your chances of getting an interview. And the good thing is that nowadays there are all kinds of templates you can use!

Writing a persuasive cover letter

Writing a cover letter is becoming less and less common. Its necessity is simply diminishing. But even so, it can still be a valuable part of your job application. It gives you a chance to show your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and to tell a story that is not fully apparent from your resume.

  • Personal approach. Use your letter to show your personal motivation and interest in the role and the company. And try to address letter to a specific person, such as the recruiter.
  • Connect your experiences. Explain how your previous experiences make you suitable for this role. And make it clear how you contribute to the success of the company.
  • Be concise. Keep your cover letter short and to the point. A maximum of one page is ideal.

Differentiate yourself in the conversation

Job interviews are your chance to show that you are suitable not only on paper, but also in practice. And let's face it, that's just as important.

  • Do your research. Get to know the company and learn about recent challenges and/or successes. During the interview, use this information to ask targeted questions.
  • Prepare examples. Prepare examples of past experiences that show you are right for the role. Be ready to discuss how you solved specific problems or contributed to projects.
  • Soft skills. Don't forget to emphasize your soft skills, such as taking responsibility, communication, problem solving, etc. These skills are just as important as your education work experience. Perhaps even more important.

So starting your career is not only about having the right qualifications and skills, but also about presenting yourself well to potential employers. With these tips, you can increase your chances of landing that dream job! And maybe with us ;)