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How do you attract and retain Generation Z professionals? And what do they have to offer you?

Some are happy about it, others get gray hairs, but one thing is certain: Generation Z is storming the workplace. Only how do you attract and bring in this generation at a time when the battle for talent is fiercer than ever? These young professionals not only have technology in their DNA and are flexible, but they are also looking for work that is meaningful - so no, the free mibo or ping pong table alone aren't going to cut it. Because we work with this generation every day, we know what they care about. That's why we'd like to share some tips with you so you can win them over.

corporate identity element 'Improve' NextGen
Three professionals from NextGen in a business meeting, smiling and collaborating on a project.

Values that drive Generation Z

Generation Z has grown up in a fast-paced and changing world. From smartphones in every pocket to AI that now walks into our lives on a daily basis. They have been shaped by continuous innovations, economic fluctuations and the growing urgency of the climate crisis, for example. As a result, they have certain values that they consider important in their work.

These young professionals don't just want a job; they are looking for something that matters. The work should not only be challenging, but also contribute to something bigger. Meaningfulness is therefore high on their list, as are themes such as sustainability and social responsibility. Organizations that are really working on green and fair impact? Those win points. And besides their commitment to a better world, they are also big fans of flexibility. Because work is important, but the balance with their personal life perhaps even more so. They like it when they can work in their own way and not have their whole life revolve around work.

In short, they want to feel connected to their work and feel that their efforts are making the world a little better. Or at least not worse.

Leverage technology and social media

Want to communicate effectively with Generation Z? Then you need to be present where they can be found: on social media and digital platforms. These channels provide the perfect opportunity to portray your organization as an engaging workplace. For example, share inspiring insights on LinkedIn, showcase your company culture with Instagram Stories or TikTok, or give a virtual tour of your office or warehouse to give them a look behind the scenes.

Provide opportunities for growth and development

Generation Z does not want a job in which they are stagnant. They are looking for an environment in which they can continually develop themselves. Both personally and professionally. They want to be challenged, learn new skills and advance their careers. That is why it is important that as an organization you show that you invest in the development of your employees. From training to coaching and advancement opportunities.

Business professional from NextGen smiles during a meeting at the Borne office.
Professional from NextGen in discussion with a motivational poster in the background reading 'Match. Improve. Grow.'

Provide recognition and appreciation

Generation Z wants to feel that they are seen and not a number. They value appreciation and feedback: hearing what they do well, but most importantly, where they can grow. This personal attention and recognition are crucial for their involvement and development within the organization. Do they not experience this feeling? Then they are quickly gone.

Keep the application process clear and fast

A complicated and lengthy application process can put off Generation Z. They want to know quickly and clearly where they stand. By keeping the application process transparent and efficient and keeping your applicants regularly informed, you show respect for their time. This not only increases the chances of successful recruitment, but also contributes to a positive first impression of your organization. In other words, a win-win situation.

What Generation Z has to offer you

This "wish list" is all well and good, but of course they must also have something to offer you. And what exactly is that? Well, quite a lot! This generation brings fresh eyes and buckets of energy. They didn't just grow up with technology - they breathe it. For any digital issue, they often have a solution faster than you can say "Wi-Fi." In addition, they are flexible, creative and always up for innovation and improvement.

And then there is their passion for sustainability and social impact. They don't just want to work, they want to make the world a little bit better. That makes them super engaged and driven.

They know well how to balance hard work with time for themselves. Combine that with their flexible mindset, and you get professionals who not only come up with new ideas, but also create strong team dynamics. In short, with Generation Z, you bring in the fresh energy your organization needs to keep growing.

By understanding and responding to what they care about, you can not only attract these young professionals, but retain them for the long term. It's all about creating a work environment where they can grow, develop and build a career with meaning. Could you use some help with this? We're here for you :)