Boost your
career in Supply
Chain & Operations
As a talent, you gain essential work experience while at the same time being helped in your personal and professional development. With customized training and guidance. Because talent only really grows when it gets the attention it needs.
Interim or secondment?
As a professional, you choose what suits you best. You have the choice between two forms of secondment. Permanent employment with one client or an appointment for interim projects where you remain employed by NextGen.
As an interim professional, you will be permanently employed by NextGen and will work on projects of a temporary nature in the area of Supply Chain & Operations. Think of improvement projects with a specific duration, temporary replacement of someone's colleague or temporary support during busy times. You get the opportunity to experience different positions at different companies. This way you can discover what you like, what you are good at and what your ideal career path is.
In addition to your work, you will participate in the Next Level program. During this program you will get to know yourself (even) better. You will work on your personal development. You will discover where your talents and qualities lie. And how you can make the most of them. You will also be trained to become an ASQ-certified LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt. During this process, you will be intensively coached and guided by one of our Talent Coaches.
As an interim professional, you will also attend a master class in the field of Supply Chain & Operations once every three months. You will attend this master class together with all the other interim professionals and the theme is knowledge sharing. But of course you also have fun.
If you apply for a client's job through us, you will join NextGen according to its terms of employment. You simply work at the client every day. But NextGen is your legal employer from whom you will receive your monthly salary. While you are working for the client, we have a lot of contact and keep a close eye on whether you are doing well. At the end of your Next Level program, you will be permanently employed by the client.
In addition to your job, you will participate in the Next Level program. You will be trained as an ASQ-certified LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt and coached in the implementation of process improvement at your client. You will also work on your personal development. You will get to know yourself (even) better. Together with our Talent Coaches you will discover where your talents and qualities lie. And how you can make the most of them.

Year 1
LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt and personal professional development
In the first year of the Next Level program, you will complete LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt training and engage in your personal professional development. Each month you will have a Next Level training day at one of our training locations. Sometimes the focus of the training day will be on LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt and other times on personal professional development.
At the organization where you work, you get to work on a concrete improvement project. Your Green Belt project. You will be responsible for your project team and for involving the right people. During your project, you will be trained and coached by one of our Master Black Belts. This gives you the knowledge you need and which you can immediately put into practice. This all happens according to the standards of the ASQ (American Society for Quality). In addition, you will attend training in the area of personal professional development. Good to know. These trainings are officially recognized by the SPEN (Stichting Permanente Educatie Nederland) as hbo-level. You will discover where your talents and qualities lie. Besides the trainings you will be coached intensively by our Talent Coaches.
Our LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt training is custom designed to train improvement and project managers. Our Next Level program offers you a maximum learning experience. You apply the knowledge directly your project, while simultaneously realizing tangible results for the company you work for. A win-win situation, in other words. After completing the program, you can call yourself a trained and certified LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt!
This part of our Next Level program is all about getting to know yourself (even) better. Why do you do what you do and not always what you would like to do? What motivates you and how can you better focus on what is really important to you? These trainings give you insight into yourself and how you function in interaction with others.
Year 2
Personal leadership and intervisions
In the second year of our Next Level program, you will continue working on your personal professional development. The focus here is on personal leadership. In addition to these training days, you will have intervision. Every month you will have a Next Level training day or an intervision at one of our training locations.
Through the trainings and intervisions you will gain more insight into your own personality and learn to effectively use your leadership qualities, together with your team, to achieve the desired results. After each training you will work on practical assignments at the organization where you work. So that you can immediately apply what you have learned in practice. Besides the trainings and intervisions, you will be intensively coached and guided by our Talent Coaches.
In this part of the Next Level program year, you will develop the leadership skills you need in today's dynamic business world. You learn to connect by recognizing and respecting different points of view. And you develop the ability to form cohesive (virtual) teams. Because change is a constant factor, you will be introduced to various models of change management and learn to apply them in your own work situation.
During the intervisions you will work methodically on and reflect on your personal development points. Or about substantive issues you have about your work. It gives you the ability to reflect on yourself in order to (further) develop yourself. It increases your self-knowledge and the dynamics with others.
Starting your own
Next Level journey?
Check out our open vacancies and who knows, maybe we'll get to know each other soon.

Becoming a father while doing a master's degree and being a team leader in the supermarket for 30 hours a week. Perseverance is something Bart Zweerman knows. But he did not yet know what stress does to you. During his NextGen adventure he got his Green Belt and learned to deal with his talents and pitfalls.
Bart Zweerman
Interim Process Engineer EOE at Trivium Packaging